How to treat a sprained ankle

A sprain is a frequent lesion but which requires serious management in order to limit pain and swelling. There are several movements that can cause a sprain. The most common being poor reception after a jump. The ankle turns inward upon landing and causes the sprain. They are commonly classified into 3 categories according to their severity:

- Light sprain: a simple stretch of the ligaments called a strain.
- Medium sprain: stretching of the ligaments accompanied by a tear.
- Severe sprain: complete rupture of the ligaments and possible bone tearing.

This article is not intended to replace medical advice. In the event of a first sprain or if the pain is severe, see a doctor quickly. It is true that the athlete may be used to feeling ankle pain and thus distinguish a real sprain from a simple strain. In this case, this article can allow him to treat himself without going to see a doctor each time.

We chose to treat the ankle sprain because it is the most common. There are also sprains of the knee and finger, but they are much rarer.

Victim of a sprain

sprain_cheville_mecAt first, when you are the victim of a sprain, avoid putting your foot on the ground as much as possible. The ankle should be avoided as much as possible. Let the ankle rest for at least 48 hours.

First aid

Quickly apply an ice pack or something cold to the ankle. Be careful not to put the ice directly on the ankle, you risk a burn. Use a cloth between the ice and your ankle. Do this about 4 to 5 times a day, avoiding leaving the ice pack on your ankle for too long.
Cold bombs are to be used at the time of the injury. Avoid spraying the cold less than 25cm to avoid any risk of burns.



For a benign sprain, application of cold and rest will be sufficient for healing. For a moderate or severe sprain, you will have to strap your ankle with a bandage. The strapping should support the ankle and the foot while not impeding the circulation of blood.


Resting position

To avoid swelling in the ankle, try to position your raised leg as much as possible. You can, for example, rest your ankle on a pillow to elevate it during the night.

Return to sport

Most sprains can be treated between 2 and 12 weeks depending on their severity. To avoid a relapse, strengthen your ankle through walking and strengthening exercises in the pool. If pain persists, see a doctor or physiotherapist.
You can strap your ankle in prevention to limit the risk of spraining, but this does not guarantee anything.

Alternative medicine

Comfrey help soothe bruises and speed up healing. They should be applied immediately after the injury.

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