

Everything around the subject of health and how to feel better. Please note: the tips found in this section do not replace the advice of a specialist.




For a happy life, it is important to feel good in your body and in your mind. Here are a few tips on how to achieve this.

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It's a proven fact: sports and maintaining a good physical condition contribute to happiness. Zesolution gives you some tips on how to get more exercise.

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If you have a sore throat, you hardly have a voice anymore and you want to easily treat this broken…
Do you want to quit smoking? You are making the right decision. But beware, this is anything but easy. You…
Many people are nervous and find it difficult to cope with certain situations in everyday life. To try to fight…
Ophthalmic migraine is a disease that eats away at many people. Its appearance can quickly become hell. However, there are…
Knowing your blood type is very useful and sometimes vital in an emergency. For this there are not 36 solutions,…
A sprain is a frequent lesion but which requires serious management in order to limit pain and swelling. There are…
There is a simple way to take your pulse. To do this, follow the steps below: - Start by placing…
A subject of mockery and often taboo, bad breath can ruin your life. This disorder is called halitosis. But do…
Lice usually land in the fall. If their presence is most often at school, no one is safe from catching…
The blisters are the result of rubbing causing irritation to the skin. The skin locally reddens and becomes painful before…
Do you find one or more of your moles too large, different from the others or having strange colors, for…
Do you find yourself with a huge headache after a drunken night? Don't you know how to get rid of…
A stye is a small white pimple that can appear at the base of the eyelashes. This reflects a slight…
To make a face mask, all you need is a few natural products and follow these tips. To refine the…