How to mount chains on tires

Is it snowing heavily and the road is not yet cleared of snow? Going on vacation to the mountains in winter? Then you better be prepared to fit your tires with chains. To do this, simply follow the prerogatives of this article. It is advisable to practice several times at home to be comfortable when you are confronted with the assembly of the chains.

Choice of mounting location

To effectively mount the chains, choose a level surface in a secure location. Remember to put the fuel in your hand and if necessary, use chocks to be sure that the car will not move. Then take out the chains and start editing.

Chain assembly

Start by passing one end of the large cable behind the wheel from below. Retrieve this end from the other side of the tire. Center the chain so that each of the two ends protrudes the same length from the tire. Mount the cable above the tire and close it. Then pull the chain stitches towards you. Pull tight and fix the hook on the chain.

Then drive a few meters before tightening the chains again.

Be careful for rear wheel drive, it is imperative to fit the chains on the 4 tires.

Tire removal

Disassembling the chains is much simpler than assembly. Stop so that the upper hook is placed at the top of the wheel. Remove all hooks. Separate the cable to disassemble it. Once the cable is separated, release the two ends of the cable behind the wheel and then roll on the chain. Pick up your chains and put them away.

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