First of all, be aware that you will have to arm yourself with patience to put your new tapestry correctly.
As a first step and if this has not yet been done, remove the old wallpaper (tedious operation but the installation will be more efficient) and prepare your wall.
Preparing the wall for hanging wallpaper
- Material needed for takeoff:
* Peeler
* Spatula and filler
* Sandpaper and rags
* A basin of water
* A wire brush and a sponge
* A painter's knife
* Glue suitable for paper
* Brush
* Spatula
* Upholstery table
* Smoothing brush
* Cutter, scissors, ruler and ruler
To facilitate this operation, get a steam stripper (available for hire in some stores). In this case, let the walls dry before continuing.
To save money, it is possible to remove the wallpaper in a more traditional way.
Note that there are several types of wallpapers!
In the case of washable wallpaper, proceed as follows:
* Scrub the wallpaper with a wire brush.
* Use your sponge to generously soak the wallpaper in water.
* Peel off the wallpaper with a painter's knife while the paper is wet.
* Use hot water if the wallpaper resists you.
In the case of vinyl wallpaper:
* These wallpapers consist of two superimposed layers. Remove the surface layer with a knife (dry) by pulling up.
* As for the layer remaining on the wall, you can either leave it on and put your new wallpaper on top of it or remove it using the washable wallpaper method seen above.
Once the old wallpaper has been removed, arm yourself with your spatula and the filler to fill any holes and cracks. Then sand the wall to remove any plaster residue or any mold (possibly add anti-mold). Finally, be sure to dust off the wall.
Calculation of the number of wallpaper rolls needed for your wall (1 roll is 10 m * 0.53 m)
- Start by measuring the entire area to be covered. With a roll measuring 0.53m, just divide the perimeter of your area by 0.53. You will thus obtain the number of strips necessary to cover your surface.
- Then measure the height of your wall by adding 10cm for the cut.
- Calculate the number of strips you can get in a roll. For a wall 2.40 m high -> 2.40 + 10 = 2.50 m. A roll measures 10 m. For a wall of 2.40 m, we can make 4 strips (10 / 2.50 = 4).
After having cut out the different strips required, go to the gluing step.
Pasting the wallpaper
- Stack the different strips on a table. Pull the first strip towards you, so if you overflow with glue, it will either be in the void (towards the front) or on the strip just below (towards the back).
- Glue the first half of the length (using the glue brush) and fold it back on itself. Do the same with the second half. Glue from the center to the edges and insisting well on the edges. Let the paper soak for about 10 minutes. For the following lengths, let the paper soak up while you lay another length.
Applying wallpaper
- Unfold half of the width intended to be on the top of the wall.
- Hold the strip by the two upper corners
- Place the strip on the wall, letting it protrude a few centimeters.
- Use a brush to remove air bubbles from the center to the edges.
- Unfold the other half of the wallpaper making sure that the upper part does not move.
- Remove any remaining air bubbles with the brush.
- Place the following papers edge to edge with the previous one.
- Remove the paper that protrudes at the top and bottom with a cutter and a ruler.
- Clean the excess glue.
That's it, your wallpaper is on!