Choice of paint
For the choice of paint, several criteria must be taken into account. Paintings can be classified into two categories. Oil-based and water-based ones. Oil-based paint is difficult to apply but it is very resistant. The water-based one offers a very satisfactory result and benefits from an easier installation. We can also note that there are 4 types of finishes:
- matt (paint that hardly shines)
- satin (paint that shines slightly)
- glossy (bright paint)
- ultra shiny (paint with a mirror effect).
Amount of paint
In order not to spend unnecessary money or run out of material, it is important to buy the right amount of paint.
To do this, calculate the number of square meters to paint (addition of lengths * height of the room). Then calculate the area of the elements not to be painted (doors, windows, etc.). Subtract this result from the total area to be painted and you will have precisely the number of square meters to paint.
Go to the store and carefully read the instructions for the paint cans because the number of square meters to paint with a can varies depending on the support and the type of paint.
The purchased paint, start this work.
First, make sure you have all the necessary equipment.
Necessary material :
- paintbrushes
- a roll
- paint
- a scraper
- a grid container
- adhesive and newspaper
Protect surfaces not to be painted
Empty the room you want to repaint of all its furniture. If some furniture cannot be removed, protect it with a tarp. Do the same with the ground by putting newspapers or other protection on it.
If the walls are in good condition, paint them directly without problem. Otherwise, the old layer must be removed. To do this, use a scraper and sandpaper. After you scratch your wall, wash it. It is possible to make the task easier by using a stripping product that will soften the paint and allow it to peel off more easily.
Once the wall is ready to be painted, protect the parts of the ceiling that form the angles with the wall to be painted, not forgetting the door and window frames.
Paint application
Start by mixing the paint. Dampen the brush with water for water-based paint and with solvent for oil-based paint. First paint the angles and the edges of the recesses. To do this, use a brush while pulling on the paint to avoid the extra thickness. Remember to always paint from top to bottom.
When the angles are clear, get down to covering the surface of the walls. To do this, use the roller. Pour the paint into the container provided for this purpose and place the spin grid on it. It is thus possible to reload and wring easily the roller.
Painting with the roller
To paint effectively with a roller, work in areas of approximately 1 m², proceeding in two crossed passes:
- A first pass in the vertical direction to apply the paint.
- One second in the horizontal direction to spread the paint evenly.
Start at the top of the room and then gradually descend to the floor.
Depending on the quality of the support and the paint, it will be necessary to iron a second or even a third coat.
Before the paint dries, remember to remove all protective adhesives.