How to get a raise

1. Adopt a relaxed attitude.

To negotiate a salary increase, it is essential to approach the subject in a cordial tone. The discussion with your supervisor should be an exchange and not an arm wrestling. Your professional development depends on it.

You should therefore absolutely not turn or make your interlocutor turn.

2. Be convinced of the validity of your request.

If you don't think you deserve this raise, you'll have a hard time convincing your boss. A person immediately feels your state of mind and you would be betrayed very quickly without realizing it.

If you are asking for a raise, it is good because you have a legitimate reason, so you will have everything you need on your side to defend your request. Gather your successes, quantified if possible, and discuss them during your interview.

For example, if you know that your last contract saved your company a lot of money, it is important to mention it more or less explicitly.

Throughout the process, adopt a positive attitude, smile, this can only show your interlocutor that you are motivated and that you want to see your business move forward. So inevitably, if your business evolves, it will seem normal to your superior that you evolve with it.

3. Adapt to your interlocutor.

Here, it can be effective to borrow some methods from Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It is very important that you harmonize with the person in front of you. Act like a mirror, reproduce her attitudes, the positions she takes, without caricaturing her. This action will give the other person the impression that you are in tune with them and make them more receptive.

You have surely been working with this person for a long time and you have been able to identify their priorities. Adapt your language to what is important to that person. For example, keeping objectives, cordiality with your partners. Highlight the points you can be sure will be heard.

4. Be reasonable.

Do not think that you will be able to double your salary thanks to an interview, the only way to achieve this is to progress in the company, take an interest in positions of higher responsibility and the daily lives of the people who occupy them. The day a place will be vacant, do not hesitate to propose yourself. Even if you are not selected, it will prove that you want to evolve.

In the case of a request for an increase, a realistic range would be to request between 4 and 10% of increase. You absolutely must not give a specific amount so as not to offend your interlocutor.

The best time to apply for a raise is annual maintenance. It allows you to take stock of the year and highlight your successes.

Many companies are very reluctant to give fixed salary increases because they have established salary scales and your increase could embarrass them if other people find out. Don't overlook a one-time bonus increase. A bonus is much easier to obtain and can be negotiated to be obtained at regular intervals.

If you feel a real barrier to a fixed increase in your salary, you can try to negotiate a variable part according to objectives. It may be interesting to talk about transport costs or even stock options in large companies.

In any case, don't be in a hurry, don't expect to get a raise right after the interview. Your boss has received the message and may need you to prove your request once again. It is therefore important that you achieve further success after your raise request.

He will also be much more attentive to your missions after your request because you are in a phase of demonstrating your qualities and your essential skills within the company. Give the best of yourself.

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