First name
Wondering what your first name means? This is the place to find out.
The first name Philippe is a first name of Greek origin coming from "Philippos" and which means "who loves horses".
The first name Pierre is a first name of Latin origin and coming from the word "petra" itself coming from…
The first name Michel is a first name of Hebrew origin which means "who is like god". This first name…
The first name Jean is one of the most popular first names in France. Its popularity declines year after year,…
The first name Marie is one of the most popular first names in France today. The first name Marie comes…
The female first name Anaïs is a derivative of the first name Anne which comes from the Hebrew "Hannah" and…
The first name Alphonse is a male given name that is of Germanic origin. It comes from "adal" which means…
The first name Alice is a female given name of Germanic origin. Its origin comes from the spelling of an…
Since 1900, more than 500,000 people have borne the first name Alain. The origins and meaning of the first name…
The first name Adeline is of Germanic origin. Adeline is made up of "adal" which means noble and "lind" which…
Since 1900, more than 260,000 people have carried the first name Alexandre, which ranks him 36th in France. The first…
The first name Noah is a first name of Hebrew origin, derived from Noah, meaning "appeasement" and "rest".
The first name Jade is one of the most fashionable names today. Its origin comes from the Spanish piedra de…
The first name Nathan appears among the most used names in 2010 and 2011. Nathan is a first name of…
Are you looking for a name for your child? Is your name Emma (Ema) or know someone with that first…