For a simpler and more practical digital life, follow the good advice in this section!
You want to leave your PC or Mac without shutting it down, but you are afraid that someone will use…
You want to type the middle dot / median dot (·), on your keyboard but don't know how? It's very simple, just…
You want to type the the cross † (dagger) or the double cross ‡ (double dagger) on your keyboard but don't…
You want to type the inverted interrogation mark (¿), typical of spanish and south american languages, on your keyboard but don't…
You want to type the inverted exclamation mark (¡), typical of spanish and south american languages, on your keyboard but don't…
You want to type the ß letter (german Eszett) on your keyboard but don't know how? It's very simple, just…
You want to type the ± sign on your keyboard but don't know how? It's very simple, just do the…
Do you want to type the symbol " ë " (e with diaeresis in lowercase) or "Ë" (e with diaeresis…
Do you want to type in the symbol "cent" (crossed out C : ¢), which designates generally the hundredth of…
Do you want to create a non-breaking space between two letters or characters to ensure the entire expression remains on…
Do you want to type the symbol " Â " ("A circumflex accent in capital" or "A circumflex accent in…
Are you in the process of writing but cannot find how to make arrows symbols like this : → (right arrow),←…
Are you in the process of writing but cannot find how to do the "Infinite" symbol ( "∞") ?The good news…
Do you want to type the left and right brackets symbols "[ ]" and do not know how to do it…
Do you want to type the symbol " À " (A acute in capital or in lowercase : à) and…
Are you in the process of writing but cannot find the "Different of" symbol "≠" ("crossed out equal" sign). The good news is…
Are you in the process of writing but cannot find how to do the "Pi" symbol ( "π") ?The good news…
You want to make the symbol "Trademark" (small TM at the top superscript) on your keyboard but do not know…
Are you in the process of writing but cannot find the "Omega" symbol ( "ω" which is the greek letter "Omega" in…
Are you in the process of writing but cannot find the "Psi" symbol (ψ which is the greek letter "Psi" in lowercase or Ψ in…
Are you in the process of writing but cannot find the "Phi" symbol (φ which is the greek letter "Phi" in…
Are you in the process of writing but cannot find the "Sum" symbol (Σ which is the greek letter "Sigma" or σ…
You want to work on two documents side by side on the same screen with each document occupying the left…
Are you in the process of writing but cannot find the "Delta" (Δ or δ) symbol ? This greek letter, represented…
Are you in the process of writing dimensions but cannot find the "Beta" (ß) symbol ? This symbol does not…
Are you in the process of writing dimensions but cannot find the "Alpha" (α) symbol ? This symbol does not…
You want to type the mathematical symbol " function" (ƒ) and do not know how to do it in a…
Are you in the process of writing dimensions but cannot find the "Diameter" (Ø) symbol ? This symbol represented by…
You just accidentally closed your Chrome browser and had some important tabs to keep open ? Has your computer restarted unexpectedly…
You want to type the symbol "…" (3 small dots forming an ellipse ) and do not know how to do it in…
To make the symbol "to the cube" (small 3 above a number) under Windows : The symbol " square" (small…
Want to type the symbol " Ê " (uppercase E with circumflex) and don't know how to do it in…
You want to write ae attached (æ) as in "Encyclopædia" on your keyboard? It's easy, you only have to perform…
Want to type the symbol " È " (capital letter E with grave) and don't know how to do it…
Do you want to type the symbol " É " (E acute in capital) and do not know how to…
You want to type the symbol " three quarters " ( ¾ ) and don't know how to do it…
You want to type the symbol " a quarter " ( ¼ ) and do not know how to do…
You want to type the symbol " half " ( ½ ) and do not know how to achieve it…
You want to type the symbol " micro " ( µ , small u with a tab at the bottom…
Frustrated that you lost what you copied a few minutes ago because you just copied something else in the meantime?…
You want to type the symbol " spade " ( ♠ ), sign representing one of the four colors of playing…
You want to type the symbol " clubs" / clover ( ♣ ), sign representing one of the four colors…
You want to type the symbol " diamond " ( ♦ ), sign representing one of the four colors of…
You want to type the " heart " symbol ( ♥ ), a sign representing love or one of the…
You want to type the "woman" / "feminine" symbol (♀) on your keyboard, female sign with a circle and a cross going down and…
You want to type the "man" symbol / "male" symbol (♂), sign with a circle with an arrow going up to the…
You want to type the symbol " degree " ( ° ) which is used for example for Celcius degrees…
You are writing an long article and want to organize your text in paragraph but cannot find the symbol? Just…
Do you want to make the Bitcoin symbol ( ₿ ) on your keyboard but you realize that there is…
Can't find the " per thousand " ( ‰ ) symbol on your keyboard and don't know how to do…
Want to write a quote but can't figure out how to make the quote marks symbols that aren't on your keyboard? All…
You want to write the abbreviations with small letters at the top as in " Doctor " -> " Dr…
Do you want to write a chemical formula with numbers or symbols under letters (subscript) in software like Microsoft Word…
You want to write numbers with powers (example: 10 to the power of 6 = 106 ) on your keyboard,…
You want to type the C with cedilla (ç or Ç) on your keyboard but you don't have the key…
Tired of using lots of mouse clicks for nothing? Are you a word processor? Do you need to copy or…
Not so easy to output an image from a Word document if we have never been told how. If you…
In order to be able to skip a line in an Excel box without going to the box located just…
Do you want to write tied œ as in following french words : mœurs ("mores"), cœur ("heart"), sœur ("sister"), œuf…
Make the "cubed" symbol (small 3 above a number) under Windows : The symbol " cubed " (small 3 above…
You heard a lot about "Anonymous" hackers but you don't really understand who they are and how they are hacking…
You want to make the symbol "Registered Trademark" ® (small circled R or R in a circle at the top…
You want to type the symbol "Copyright": © on your keyboard but don't know how to do it? It's very…
In order to put a selective part of your text in italics in a word processing insert (comment on the…
In order to put a selective part of your text in bold in a word processing insert (comment on the…
If you want to remove images from a website because they take too long to load, just follow this step…
To find out the owner of a website, there are two methods you can use : 1. Search a WHOIS…
Want to know what is the best hosting for your new website? You are right because hosting is a crucial…
Illustrating your articles with beautiful and relevant presentation images is essential to attract the public eye. With today's technologies, nothing…